Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Gone Girl - no spoilers

Well, John was keen to see this film, but when I heard it was over two hours long I joked on FB that I thought I would bring my knitting.
No need. I don't think I blinked once throughout the film.
The acting was superb, the pace was fast, and we got straight into the story.

I've read many American crime stories, and while watching the film I had the same sensation as reading a really good author - say Deaver - and not wanting to stop reading.The story unfolded with several twists, and I couldn't wait for the next one.
I was hoping to write deep thoughts about this film, examining the symbolism etc, but couldn't see much. The film did show how the media report on news, and how the public can over-react. It also showed a marriage under strain (not quite a seven-year-itch) with money problems, unfaithfulness and a general drifting apart. It also showed one really wicked person!
Negative points - no use of cctv cameras anywhere, no neighbours saw anything, how did Amy get that expensive haircut when she...... oh, no spoilers, don't hospitals clean off blood before discharging anyone, And I was disappointed in the ending, but could see the point of it.
On the whole, a cracking good film. Not sure if I'll read the book. The story depends on the twists and turns, and I know them now. However, the book has a different ending. Maybe I will.

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